Friday, July 13, 2007

Submissions for July, 2007 - Topic: Photography

It's another tie for the Most Interesting Video of the Month between Ed for Bobblehead Theatre Episode 1 and Sir Klumpy for his epic The Adventures of Chuck Burl.


Director: Ed

Episode 1 of bobblehead theater -- where bobbleheads act out famous tv and movie scenes. Soon to be part of If you have an idea for a show and can commit a video every month or two send an email to

Bobblehead Theatre Episode 1 from ed and Vimeo.

Director: Sir Klumpy

Franky burning up the dance floor.

[click the image below to view the film]

Let's Dance
Let's Dance

Director: Sir Klumpy

The adventures of creatures that dwell in the backyard.

[click the image below to view the film]

The Adventures of Chuck Burl
The Adventures of Chuck Burl

Director: Ed

Last Year's Holiday at the beach. Shot with a cell phone and a digital camera and edited online at

OBX 2006

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Theme for July 2007: Photography
slideshow, stop motion, digital images

Include photographs or digital images in your video. If you like doing slideshows now's your chance.

Follow the submission guidelines located in the right navigation area (
click the "Home" link if you don't see the submission guidelines), and submit a link to your video by midnight on July 29th. Also, please provide a short description or comment about your video, and a director's name (or alias).

Don't forget, the video deemed most interesting by our judges will receive a monthlyDV winner's t-shirt!

If you have any questions, leave a comment or send an email to monthlyDV Email.