Sunday, October 15, 2006

Submissions for October, 2006 - Topic: Culinary Art

The judges have spoken, and it's a tie for The Most Interesting Video of the Month between "Sunday Sauce" and "PB & J".

Director: Steve Grisetti

Sunday Sauce on Vimeo

Director: Chuck Engels

A Short Food Program About How To Construct A Chicago Style Hot Dog.

Frankly Speaking

Director: Janice and Ed

Pasta and ukulele music...enough said.

Pasta 101 on Vimeo

Director: Katie and Ed

We did this on Saturday with 249 digital photographs. We used JPGVideo, which is a free program that creates an AVI file from a series of images. We then used Adobe Premiere Elements to add music and fades. I think down the road we'll do a longer video using the same process.

PB & J on Vimeo

Monday, October 02, 2006

Theme for October 2006: Culinary Art
grow it, prepare it, eat it, wear it

This month's theme involves anything and everything food related.

Follow the submission guidelines located in the right navigation area (
click the "Home" link if you don't see the submission guidelines), and submit a link to your video by 9:00 PM on October 29th. Also, please provide a short description or comment about your video, and a director's name (or alias).

Don't forget, the video deemed most interesting by our judges will receive a monthlyDV winner's t-shirt!

If you have any questions, leave a comment or send an email to monthlyDV Email.