Submissions for March, 2007 - Topic: Stop Motion
The Most Interesting Video of the Month goes to Colin McDonald for his video "Amsterdam". In addition, a special award for Most Fun Video goes to MomOffDuty for her video "Greetings". Although it was close between MomOffDuty and Sir Klumpy for this honor!
Director: Ed
Dance Fever! Starring everyone's favorite politicos, with music by The Smithereens.
Dance Fever! on Vimeo
Director: MomOffDuty
I am a new Premiere Elements 3.0 user and this is my first stop motion project. It took about 2 hours to capture with live feed, but alot of time in prep work. Hopefully, it will give you something to think about.
[click the image below to view the film]

Director: Colin McDonald
This video is based on my grandpa's motto: "It ain't what 'chya got to put on, it's what you got to put in it that counts." The piece is meant to comment on the nature of humans to place conclusions and assumptions on someone based on what they are wearing. For this piece, I gathered up a majority of my wardrobe (15 shirts, 3 shoes, 3 hats, and 4 pairs of pants) and proceeded to make every possible combination of these pieces of clothing and putting them on (about 720 combinations). I did this to show that to people who do not know me, people who see me walking down the street of driving in my car, see my clothes and what I'm wearing as a big factor in determining the "type" of person I am. I don't think there is a way to stop this from happening, and I don't think it is necessarily bad all the time, but it definitely needs to be realized. The reason I don't think it is bad all the time is because many people wear certain clothing in order to express themselves and use their wardrobe to tell something about themselves on purpose.
Myself According to Everyone Else
Director: Colin McDonald
This is a hand animated short film about the moon’s journey to the
sky on one particular night. Materially, I used cut paper with a
limited color palette for the sets and characters. I used the
program Frame-thief in conjunction with a digital video camera for
capturing the stills onto my computer and edited the frames
together with Final Cut to make the end product.
I have always been interested in the way animation can give life and
personality to utterly anything. Conceptually I wanted to bridge
the gap between the second and fourth dimensions, while
excluding the third. I was inspired by the incredible city of
Amsterdam in the Netherlands and the ever-present moon in the
night sky.
"Amsterdam" is meant to be a fun piece which examines the way
we see our physical world. The piece also deals with surrealist
ideas and is very dream-like in fasion.
Thank you Jeff Brush for helping me out.
Director: Sir Klumpy
Our Outback Action star is a wee bit thirsty after day in the bush.
[click the image below to view the film]

Director: Bill Shackelford
I noticed transitions.
This video was created from 8mm home movies shot by my Grandfather in 50s and 60s. I removed most of the film leaving only the footage with artifacts near my Grandfather's cuts.
[monthlyDV Note: although not a traditional Stop Motion, this video has transitional effects that simulate the effect]
[click the image below to view the film]

"Home Movies" - watch the video
Director: Bill Shackelford
Just make it go away.
[click the image below to view the film]

"Money at the Situation" - watch the video
Director: Ed
This is a video for a Vimeo project called Vimeo for Kids. The idea is to make kid friendly videos ala Sesame Street. Sign up for Vimeo and make one!
Animal Crackers Wild Kingdom on Vimeo
Really good videos this month.
"Home Movies" - I found this to be a little haunting. Looking at the quick takes of old film gave a real sense of history. I expecially liked the scene with the tractor. I kinda wished it would have had a soundtrack though
"Tequila" - Sir Klumpy strikes again! This was really funny, and the stop motion was very smooth and well done.
"Amsterdam" - If you hadn't said that this was created with paper I would never have known. This must have taken forever to storyboard, shoot, and edit.
"Myself According to Everyone Else" - Again, well thought out. The change of clothes scene is awesome. Did you shoot it yourself to? That would have taken forever. I really liked the music to. Who was it?
"Greetings" - I really liked this. It's hard to believe this is your first stop motion video, it's very smooth and well done. It reminds me of watching Seseme Street with my kids when they were young. It is good enough to have been on that show. I can't wait to see what you do when you have more experience.
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